The Big Issues

There are so many things that people in our district worry about daily. Food, bills, fuel, cooling or heating their home, taxes… There are so many things that need to be resolved by the government that are, frankly, being ignored, or worse yet, are being purposefully manipulated to hurt those of us who have less than others. I, for one, have had enough and am running for Florida House for that reason.

Issue 1: Taxes

Florida is famous for not having an income tax, but there are other taxes that people have to pay. Property taxes are a bane of existence for most people here in Florida. It drives up the rent, it drives up the cost of a home, and it prevents people from being able to buy homes in some cases. We have the Homestead Exemption, which only helps relieve $25,000 from the home's value. It mattered when we had homes that cost $100,000. But with the average home value in Florida now almost $400,000, we need to increase the Homestead Exemption.

I originally posted on X, here, that I want to raise the Homestead Exemption to $150,000 for people who make under $150,000 a year and 25% of the home value for people making over that amount. For those of us who make under $150,000 a year, taking that off the top of our home’s value in tax calculations will drastically reduce the amount of money that we will have to spend monthly on payments. That will make homes more affordable for lower-income individuals and allow higher-income individuals to match the at least 25% decrease in taxable home value over all demographics.

Issue 2: Economic Growth and Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of the American Economy, and I have had enough of the government steamrolling them to make way for the sweetheart deals to large corporations. We need to incentivize small business growth and entrepreneurship. This is why I have a handful of items that fall into Issue 2.

First - Zoning in Florida is ridiculous and needs to be changed. For Brevard County residents, it costs $600 to apply for a zoning variance and almost $200 for each additional variance or appeal on the same property. This isn’t okay. We must do away with this fee and allow people to do what they want with their property. Sure, let’s not get carried away and start a junkyard in a sub-division, but garage businesses should still be a thing. Microsoft, Apple, and Google all started out of their founder’s garages. Why should the next big company be any different? Why should we charge someone $600 to be able to use their garage to print t-shirts or sell things on Facebook Marketplace? Enough is enough. Do away with zoning restrictions on businesses in garages.

Second - Incorporation fees are restrictive and a barrier to entry for people who want to start a new business. This is why I will move to waive incorporation fees for people who earn under $30,000 annually and all Veterans. With incorporation fees waived, a person can start a business and have the protections of a business without having to go too far out of their already stretched-thin pocket.

Third - I have declared WAR on HOA’s (Home Owners Associations). HOAs usurp government powers for the purposes of suppressing freedom of expression and oppressing the smallest minority of them all - the individual. In my previous article (available here), we have already covered how I will move to change how HOAs interact with the individual and the state. It is the opinion of myself and this candidacy that an individual has the freedom to associate and to disassociate at will without losing their property as a tax to disassociate. While HOAs will still be able to do as they have always done over member’s homes, membership will no longer be mandatory. Thus, HOAs will need to compete for membership and will not be allowed to force members to stay. Protections would be extended for those who choose to disassociate so the HOA won’t be able to take adverse actions against them or their homes, and, in the event of a closed neighborhood or other such cases, a good faith negotiation must be entered into to negotiate for fees for road usage, gate usage, and passes to common areas. All of this will be regulated through existing laws on the relationship between business and consumer.

But how does this encourage economic growth? HOAs will now have to compete for membership. Membership to HOAs will now not only be for common areas, roadway upkeep, or home appearance but they will be forced to provide a product or a service to members to encourage them to stay. Through discounts to local stores, deals with landscaping companies to do yards, or solar companies for their home’s solar needs to name a few, HOAs will have to prove their relevance and benefit residents if they wish to keep membership up!

Issue 3: 2A is a Moral Imperative

The right to bear arms is fundamental to every individual. Not only is the right to bear arms a fundamental right, but the right to self-defense is also. There are people in the Florida State Legislature who are trying to take away your right to a firearm! There are movements right now that aim to destroy the Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws and to leave Floridians helpless and defenseless. I understand that when police are only minutes away, seconds count. I pledge to fight every day to increase the accessibility of firearms for everyday Floridians and to protect their right to be secure in their homes and in their effects through superior firepower. I will fight to remove restrictions to purchasing firearms and remove the waiting period. When you know your life is in danger, you shouldn’t have to wait to protect yourself, your children, and your family. You should have access NOW.

More Issues

I understand that many more issues are at stake here in Florida right now. I am always open to hearing what you say, though! If you would like to talk to me about any issue in Florida right now, feel free to reach out to me on the contact page or on social media, and I will respond as soon as I can!


The Second Amendment - A Moral Imperative